Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thursday, February 24th

Hello Everyone.

Unfortunately, I just got home to a message from Parkside explaining that they are using the big LGI room tomorrow morning for a Life Skills assembly.  So, we cannot have usual class as I had planned :(
Also, the weather says there is a high chance of rain.  So, I guess we should plan on meeting at the Redwood Shores library, 399 Marine Parkway, for the 10:30 story time.  I'll be there at 10:00 for chatting and snack etc.
I'm sorry  to have to start the semester like this!
Hope to see you tomorrow.  I checked in with Parkside and the room is available for the weeks to come for regular class.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NO Play class Monday, Feb.21

Monday is Presidents' Day.  Therefore, Adult School's office is closed and there are no classes.

We will resume regular class on Thursday, Feb. 24th


class for Feb.17, at library

Hello Everyone!  Tomorrow, Thursday 2/17, we will meet for the 10:30 story time at Belmont library.  The library is located at 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas
Belmont, CA 94002

If it isn't raining, we'll meet at the park right next to the library, around 10:00 for snack and play time.  Hope to see you there.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Class at Parkside Thursday, Feb.10th!

Hello Everyone.

I'm back from Germany and therefore, we will have class tomorrow in our regular room.
It is a new semester now, so please bring a check for $30, and I have a huge stack of registration forms!
We will have a great semester, and as of now, there are no dates that we have to cancel or change!  And, I don't have any crazy European vacations planned!  Hope you all enjoyed a good couple of weeks.
